Humans are highly forgetful. According to Hermann Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve (Ebbinghaus, 1913), when we encounter new information, we forget some of it almost instantly. For example, you may leave a webinar or meeting with your head full of new facts and figures, only to find that you can recall very little of it hours later....Continue Reading
Less is more – four words on a slide communicate more than forty. But a lot of presenters still make the mistake of thinking that more detail is helpful to the audience. It’s not. It just means every individual word or image has to battle a little harder to be seen. When designing your presentation,...Continue Reading
K is for Keystrokes. With many PowerPoint hours clocked up across our business, and many last-minute deadlines, learning how to speed up those clicks has not only helped us move quicker, but has also helped to make our lives easier. Some simple keyboard shortcuts can improve ways of working and get the most out of...Continue Reading
This week our blog focuses on what you choose to put on a slide. Making a presentation as effective as possible involves finding the right balance between just enough elements to make a good point, but not too many that you overdo it. Finding this balance will help make your message both clear and persuasive,...Continue Reading
Images are powerful. When used correctly, they can elevate your message, help improve audience understanding of your points, and boost memorability. Images can also be inherently emotional, with a striking photo engaging with people on another, visceral level. There’s a reason they say “a picture is worth a thousand words” and why, at Maxwell Rogers,...Continue Reading
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